Laser Therapy
Julie administering Laser Therapy. A comfortable, stress-free environment is provided for Laser Therapy treatment in order for the pet to relax. Laser Therapy is a painless, unobtrusive application of healing light applied directly to the surface of the skin. This therapy can be used to treat multiple ailments and injuries in dogs and cats, including: post-surgical incisions, arthritis, ligament or tendon injuries, joint injuries, fractures, muscle sprains or strains, skin lesions or abrasions, post-trauma wounds, nerve injury, and musculoskeletal diseases. The treatment aids in alleviating chronic or acute pain, reducing inflammation, reducing swelling, increasing circulation, speeding up healing and recovery, and releasing endorphins (the body's natural pain reliever).
Our client care team is ready to help you schedule an appointment or answer any questions!
Laser Surgery
Notice the lack of blood in this surgery picture? This mass removal was done with minimal to no blood loss! The laser will help seal blood vessels during a procedure and minimize blood loss!